Sonic Bomb alarm clock

The alarm clock that will wake the dead! Its alarm is louder than a jackhammer!
The Sonic Bomb Clock has an adjustable volume alarm with a maximum loudness of 113 decibels which is a lot louder than a jackhammer. Not only will it make you jump out of bed from the high pitch alarm, the little attachment under your mattress will ensure you rock out of bed!
Not only is it the loudest and most effective alarm clock, it also looks really cool looking with stealth black colour, red controls, night vision display and pulsating alert lights.
So even if you are the laziest of teenagers, this will wake you up instantly!!
·Red Display
·Two Brightness Settings
·Snooze Button
·113 db adjustable tone and volume control
·Battery Backup (9V - not included), mains adaptor included.
·Alarm Volume Control
·Alarm Tone Control
·3 Alarm Settings (Buzz, Buzz/Bed Shake, Only Bed Shake)